
Occupy Yourself!
Hearing about the world wide movement to OCCUPY has me inspired, and I am thrilled to find a way to participate. Briefly I looked at airline flights to New York this morning, and then watched the live stream of the fun going on there. The flights weren’t cheap, and the clincher was that when I saw all those people standing there, all I could think about was…where are they going if they have to pee? Oh my. In my revolution there are clean bathrooms, or at least some woods.

The beautiful thing about this Occupation is that it is taking place all over the world at once. It’s a grassroots push up from the soil…and you get the feeling that where ever you are…in a sea of people all waiting in line for one port a potty or at home scrubbing the toilet… there is a shift in consciousness occupying everyone.

Everyone has a pet issue in this Occupation: Corporate personhood, human joblessness, monopoly over our food supply, real food in schools. Accountability by corporations when they are responsible for environmental disaster, government is too big, government is too small, capitalism is diseased, capitalism is fine our government is diseased. Politians are owned by corporations, accountability by corporations when they are responsible for economic disaster. Our health care system allows too many people to fall through the cracks, our education systems are failing us. Our ability to stay healthy is mitigated by our access to a clean, healthy food supply. Our media isn’t telling us what is really happening because it’s owned by interests that serve the corporations, not the humans.

The 99% represents everyone who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth and a seasons pass to the G8. The 99% are not CEOs of Monsanto or inheriting a government contract from a friend at the country club. Some of that 1% might have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, but most of them were born there. 99% are people who want the Dream, to be able to work hard at something they love to do and to provide comfort and security for their family. For their children, the 99% wants a future where there is clean water to drink, healthy food to eat and an opportunity to seek work that they love.
So I start to really think about what can the 99% of us do to improve our lot?

There is so much! SO much we can do! And that is what this occupation is about. We rally together…in places like Wall Street and in front of the White House and all over the interwebs, and we JUST BE TOGETHER!!!! We start a dialogue and we organize. We find ways to promote our small local economies where humans are benefiting from our efforts, not just corporations. We find ways to work with or get past our politicians and our media to make a difference despite them. We have power if we work together to make our collective consumer dollars count, we can make them listen.

If you can Occupy Yourself, you can speak your truth. You can seek the truth and you can speak the truth and you can put your money where you see truth. You can find other humans in your neighborhood and on the interwebs that share your truth, and you can bask in that truth together. Imagine a world that is a better place and talk about it, draw pictures of it, write about it, tell your kids bedtime stories about it, write about it in your will.

Here is the thing. Enlightenment is not going to happen for just a few of us and then change the world. It has to be everyone, waking up all at once, to make a real difference. If I stop driving my car and if I install solar panels on my house and turn the thermostat down two degrees, who am I really helping? Change is just going to have to be on a different scale. Public transportation has to become a real option, local food needs to become the only real option and farmers need to become heroes. Nafta did not work, the corporate bail outs did not work, and the humans have just become more and more apathetic. We need to make sure that when we fight we are fighting for our better future, not just the short-term perpetuation of an unsustainable now.

Remember that change is scary, that letting go of the comfortable old way is hard! The unforeseen future is terrifying. Then, when its happening, its beautiful like spring: new and fresh and exciting.

So start something new. This will really work. Please, by all means, go to Wall Street, go to DC. Write letters to your editor, start your own paper if they won’t publish it. But do it from a place of visualizing a better future for us and our kids. Take the time to really imagine a future where conservation has left resources for future generations and where people are fed with local healthy food. Make space in your life to get at peace with yourself and make decisions from that place. If everyone can find it in themselves to do this, all at the same time, then we will have accomplished everything. This will be the new beginning from which the solutions will arise.

Amy Potter